Participating in a pool

Participating in a fixed swap auction pool

Checking out the IDO pool of your choice

Open Ideaology website, scroll down and you will find all IDO pools.

Public/Private pools

There will be private and public pools.

To participate in private pools, the owner will have to whitelist your address. You can find how to whitelist on our other platforms. Every pool is announced with instructions.

On the other hand, anyone holding 1000 $IDEA will be able to participate in a public pool, unless the pool is filled, meaning it is working on the FCFS (first come first served) system.

Pool Information

  • Project name

  • Token ticker

  • Total supply

  • Tokens for sale

  • To be raised

  • Token price

  • Progress of the sale : Has not started yet, ongoing, finished

Find a pool you want to participate in and click it.

Participating in a pool

Once you have found the pool you wanted to participate in, you will have to connect your MetaMask wallet/account. To do that simply click on the “Connect wallet” button.

*NOTE: You will have to change your MetaMask to corresponding network, most likely BSC network.

You can now buy the tokens of your chosen pool. A “Buy” button will appear. Click on the “Buy” button and choose the amount you want to purchase.

Have in mind that there will most likely always be minimum and maximum individual allocations.

Once you’re set on the amount, click the buy button again and the Metamask window should pop up. To approve the transaction click on the “Confirm” button.

Once you approve the transaction, another pop-up window should appear where you will have to confirm the payment. Just click the “Confirm” button again. You have now completed the purchase.

The tokens you have bought should automatically go to your wallet once the sale is finished, based on project vesting plan.

Last updated